One of my first camping trips as a little girl was to Sleeper State Park. I came across an old news clipping of my parents, my brother Tim and me about our camping trip to Sleeper State Park sometime in the late 1960s. I loved camping with my parents, brothers and sister and have enjoyed many wonderful camping trips with Kevin and our children. Last week Kevin and I camped at the same park with our sons, Nicholas, Zachary and Josiah. We had lots of fun and made some great memories. We enjoyed the water, scenery, biking, walking and campfires. My favorite part of camping at Sleeper was the joy of watching both sunrises and sunsets over the beautiful Saginaw Bay of Lake Huron located in Michigan’s thumb.
The caption under this photo reads – “The John Worth family of Quincy found Sleeper State Park a pleasant refuge from the busy windup of the school year at Quincy public schools where Mr. Worth is principal. Quincy is located close to the Indiana state line and the choice between Indiana’s state parks and those here in Michigan was a difficult one.”